PROMEDICA Medicem (35g&15ml)

SKU: RE_GI_0002
Manufacturer: Promedica
Availability: In stock
Medicem Is A Microfine Luting Cement With A Maximum Film Thickness Of 15-25 Μm Which Is Essential For The Luting Of Crowns, Bridges, Inlays, Onlays And Orthodontic Bands.
1,880.00 (EGP)

Made in Germany

Glass Ionomer Cement   Powder & liquid 35g & 15ml

Medicem is a microfine luting cement with a maximum film thickness of 15-25 µm which is essential for the luting of crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays and orthodontic bands.

Distinguished by an excellent adhesion
to the tooth substance, Medicem offers a low solubility within the mouth, high compressive strength and high fluoride release:
In addition the material is
characterised by a comparatively
high pH-value which
results in low acidity.
Medicem is also available in the anhydrous version Medicem aqua.


INDICATIONS For the attachment of crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, pins, posts and orthodontic bands


Adequate working time also for difficult attachments
  No temperature rise during setting
  Low acidity
  Highly biocompatible
  Excellent adhesion to dentine and enamel
  High compressive strength and low solubility

High fluoride release

35 g powder, 15 ml liquid